Talent en ambitie: Lerares Koreaans worden!
Geboortejaar: 2005
Ondersteuning: 2904 euro.
Voor: Volgen studie Koreaans aan Faculty of Humanities Chiang Mai Rajabhat University.
Periode: 2023-2027
Status: Verloopt volgens plan.
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Uit de aanvraag (Juni 2023):
I am 17 years old and I was born in Chiang Mai. I live with my parents and my twin sister Nut. My father: Nuan Unnoi is a fisherman, my mother: Boosaba Buachum is working with my father.
I have a passion about Korean language and had some succes already: I have won gold medals in many Korean language competitions, and I have won a scholarship to study at a university in Korea (this was not possible financially because of very high additional costs). In Thailand Korean music and TV/movies are very popular; and many Thai people work in Korea. Because of my interest in Korean music and dance, I wanted to learn the Korean language. I teach Korean music and dance to other students and I participated in various dance competitions with a dance group.
"My ambition is to study Korean language, if possible in a Korean university, and later to work in Korea or teach Korean language in Thailand. For this year I will begin to study Korean language in Chiang Mai, while trying to find sponsoring for a study in Korea, if this does not work out, then I will complete my study in Chiang Mai. In this first year I will take TOPIK test (for Korean language) and try for level 6 (highest), this is also required to enter a Korean university. Financially I will apply for a government loan, and my parents will support me. Lastly: my twin sister Nut will study Japanese language. During my study I will be living at home with my parents”.
Februari 2024

Januari 2025