Talent en ambitie: Juridisch adviseur worden!
Geboortejaar: 2002
Ondersteuning: 3150 euro.
Voor: Afmaken middelbare school en daarna volgen opleiding para-legal studies bij Staff Training College.
Periode: 2018-2021.
Status: Succesvol afgerond.
Geboortejaar: 2002
Ondersteuning: 3150 euro.
Voor: Afmaken middelbare school en daarna volgen opleiding para-legal studies bij Staff Training College.
Periode: 2018-2021.
Status: Succesvol afgerond.
Algemene donaties
Uit de aanvraag (Februari 2018):
I hail from a family of 4 children which are 2 boys and 2 girls from Ndirande Township in Blantyre City who are all orphaned and we currently stays with our now 67 year old grandmother. This situation led to hardships in terms of our house, life and family upkeep and educational support for me and all the children in our family. Lucky enough from the meager earnings my grandmother manages to get from her banana business at Ndirande local market has enabled to keep me one of the children to school. Generally it is hard as most of the times school time is lost due to helping my grandmother in her business just to make sure that there is food at the table for all the children and also to have a surplus for school needs. My grandmother`s old age is also a contributing factor to another angle of hardships because as the first born in the family am responsible for the welfare of the other family members. Still more this hasn’t kept out my focus on education, I try as I can to keep up my spirit on education to make sure I make my family proud as well as my school. Last year I sat for Malawi School Certificate of Education examination (MSCE). Am proud to this has been an announce that I scored 20 points which was far good enough to take me into University of Malawi but due to limited space in the public universities I got left out but am glad that I secured a place at Staff Training College where I will undergo paralegal studies (Law Studies). I would love to assist my fellow community members to access justice in a free and fair environment. With a high population in my community and only one police station and only a handful of police personnel most people suffer in silence as justice in almost denied. We don’t have a court to hear our grievances, we only rely on local chiefs who are most of the times biased and corrupt. So this in brief in general that’s where my strength in life dwells and I feel as I move on I shall be a force to propel changes and bring some sanity to my local community once I am well educated.
I hail from a family of 4 children which are 2 boys and 2 girls from Ndirande Township in Blantyre City who are all orphaned and we currently stays with our now 67 year old grandmother. This situation led to hardships in terms of our house, life and family upkeep and educational support for me and all the children in our family. Lucky enough from the meager earnings my grandmother manages to get from her banana business at Ndirande local market has enabled to keep me one of the children to school. Generally it is hard as most of the times school time is lost due to helping my grandmother in her business just to make sure that there is food at the table for all the children and also to have a surplus for school needs. My grandmother`s old age is also a contributing factor to another angle of hardships because as the first born in the family am responsible for the welfare of the other family members. Still more this hasn’t kept out my focus on education, I try as I can to keep up my spirit on education to make sure I make my family proud as well as my school. Last year I sat for Malawi School Certificate of Education examination (MSCE). Am proud to this has been an announce that I scored 20 points which was far good enough to take me into University of Malawi but due to limited space in the public universities I got left out but am glad that I secured a place at Staff Training College where I will undergo paralegal studies (Law Studies). I would love to assist my fellow community members to access justice in a free and fair environment. With a high population in my community and only one police station and only a handful of police personnel most people suffer in silence as justice in almost denied. We don’t have a court to hear our grievances, we only rely on local chiefs who are most of the times biased and corrupt. So this in brief in general that’s where my strength in life dwells and I feel as I move on I shall be a force to propel changes and bring some sanity to my local community once I am well educated.
"My ambition is to become a legal practitioner and am very sure that I will make it with the support of TF and help my fellow local community members with free legal services. From the word go I have wanted to be a legal practitioner and this pushes me to work hard in school despite having financial challenges.
My positive approach on education and the good grades I just scored on last year’s exams as well as my mutual understanding on my local community’s current social welfare situation is what will make me realize my ambition."
"My ambition is to become a legal practitioner and am very sure that I will make it with the support of TF and help my fellow local community members with free legal services. From the word go I have wanted to be a legal practitioner and this pushes me to work hard in school despite having financial challenges.
My positive approach on education and the good grades I just scored on last year’s exams as well as my mutual understanding on my local community’s current social welfare situation is what will make me realize my ambition."

Anne met haar oma

Anne met commissielid Saulos
Juni 2018:
Anne is busy with school lessons as planned. She will be expected to be continuing her studies after the summer holidays. And as expected we believe all will go as arranged and hopefully after fulfilment of this year’s financial consignment a full financial report will follow so that we can be ready for next year’s plan."
Anne is busy with school lessons as planned. She will be expected to be continuing her studies after the summer holidays. And as expected we believe all will go as arranged and hopefully after fulfilment of this year’s financial consignment a full financial report will follow so that we can be ready for next year’s plan."
April 2019:
"This is the final year for Anne in Secondary school and as told by the head teacher from her school it looks nothing has changed on her performance and if she continues like this next year we shall have a talent in college. She is doing fine and there are changes in personal life because since she started enjoying costs of living benefits her altitude towards education has extremely improved as she no longer has time to look for income to assist the family. She now has full time to study. To the onset this is a clear indication of transformation while on the other hand the situation is moving as planned. As for Anne its not really the end of her educational journey but finishing secondary level, she started her final exams on 28th this month and due to finish on 10th June."
Anne writes:
Hello my name is Anne Kamalisha a form 4 student at Ndirande Hill Secondary School. Ever since i got sponsorship from Talent Foundation my life has completely changed to the better. Before TF my school attendance was rather low. Mostly I could spend my time at the market instead of going to school to look for upkeep money. I knew that this was a threat to my education. Now am eager to go to school without any disturbance and my grades are also ever improving and i believe my results will be positive and I will shine like a star. I thank Talent Foundation for making it possible for me to excel the hiccup of spending the quality education time at the market place and allowing me to use it wisely. So far am just writing my final exams and when I look at how I have prepared I believe I will make it and proceed to the next level of our program. Let us all look forward to my results.
Thank you.
"This is the final year for Anne in Secondary school and as told by the head teacher from her school it looks nothing has changed on her performance and if she continues like this next year we shall have a talent in college. She is doing fine and there are changes in personal life because since she started enjoying costs of living benefits her altitude towards education has extremely improved as she no longer has time to look for income to assist the family. She now has full time to study. To the onset this is a clear indication of transformation while on the other hand the situation is moving as planned. As for Anne its not really the end of her educational journey but finishing secondary level, she started her final exams on 28th this month and due to finish on 10th June."
Anne writes:
Hello my name is Anne Kamalisha a form 4 student at Ndirande Hill Secondary School. Ever since i got sponsorship from Talent Foundation my life has completely changed to the better. Before TF my school attendance was rather low. Mostly I could spend my time at the market instead of going to school to look for upkeep money. I knew that this was a threat to my education. Now am eager to go to school without any disturbance and my grades are also ever improving and i believe my results will be positive and I will shine like a star. I thank Talent Foundation for making it possible for me to excel the hiccup of spending the quality education time at the market place and allowing me to use it wisely. So far am just writing my final exams and when I look at how I have prepared I believe I will make it and proceed to the next level of our program. Let us all look forward to my results.
Thank you.
Februari 2020:
Anne is doing well and it has gone as planned, slightly it would have gone as not if she could go UNIMA (University of Malawi) but she has gone to the school which was planned from the beginning which is Staff Training College for Legal Studies. She has managed to score 20 points in the final exams of secondary school which as far as we see it it`s according to plan, so far the only major obstacle is extra funding from the original budget. The budget which was originally planned is less according to the needs she has so that she can learn well such as computer and also the school fees and this needs to be solved by the network. She is a good talent, intelligent and bright so it is wise to give her all the support she needs so that she can achieve her goals.
Anne writes:
This funding have greatly changed my life and I now have a clear vision on what I want to achieve. I would like to be a lawyer so that I can help my fellow community members with legal assistance as well as advice. This sponsorship is greatly appreciated and it is my wish that TF continues to sponsor me till I finish this level of college education. This sponsorship has really changed my life and am sure I will contribute positively to my community. Lastly I would like to report that the sponsorship has made me to concentrate on my education as I no longer worry about school fees anymore.
Anne is doing well and it has gone as planned, slightly it would have gone as not if she could go UNIMA (University of Malawi) but she has gone to the school which was planned from the beginning which is Staff Training College for Legal Studies. She has managed to score 20 points in the final exams of secondary school which as far as we see it it`s according to plan, so far the only major obstacle is extra funding from the original budget. The budget which was originally planned is less according to the needs she has so that she can learn well such as computer and also the school fees and this needs to be solved by the network. She is a good talent, intelligent and bright so it is wise to give her all the support she needs so that she can achieve her goals.
Anne writes:
This funding have greatly changed my life and I now have a clear vision on what I want to achieve. I would like to be a lawyer so that I can help my fellow community members with legal assistance as well as advice. This sponsorship is greatly appreciated and it is my wish that TF continues to sponsor me till I finish this level of college education. This sponsorship has really changed my life and am sure I will contribute positively to my community. Lastly I would like to report that the sponsorship has made me to concentrate on my education as I no longer worry about school fees anymore.
September 2021:
So far studying is finished and the achievement has been wonderful (passed final exams) and attainment of a Diploma in Legal studies achieved and practising law with a private film Chizumira Attorneys is underway and looking forward for the establishment of a new local Ndirande law office.
So far studying is finished and the achievement has been wonderful (passed final exams) and attainment of a Diploma in Legal studies achieved and practising law with a private film Chizumira Attorneys is underway and looking forward for the establishment of a new local Ndirande law office.

Anne na afstuderen