Talent en ambitie: Gegevensmanager in ziekenhuis worden!
Geboortejaar: 1998
Ondersteuning: 2074 euro.
Voor: Volgen opleiding "Health records and information technology" aan Manza campus in Kitui
Periode: 2021-2022
Status: Geslaagd en afgerond in augustus 2022!
Geboortejaar: 1998
Ondersteuning: 2074 euro.
Voor: Volgen opleiding "Health records and information technology" aan Manza campus in Kitui
Periode: 2021-2022
Status: Geslaagd en afgerond in augustus 2022!
Sponsoring ASMI
Sponsoring ASMI

Uit de aanvraag (maart 2020):
"I am Abigael being the second born in a family of 3. I was born in Moi’s Bridge and raised here too. I am currently 21 years of age as I fill this form. In my family we lost our Dad in 2015 and since then my mother is struggling to raise us and cater for all family needs and fees. She has no official work but assists here and there to earn some money. My Dad was not working at the time of his death so we were financial unstable already."
I am looking forward to pursuing a course in Health records and Technology. Since I was young I was always passionate working in hospitals because its part of giving back to the community. Being a health record technician gives me the chance to make the hospital more accessible for the community as making appointments and continuity is still a problem in our hospitals. Record keeping is of major importance for the medical officers too, so it will also improve the health care in Kenya.
I enrolled in First Aid Club and st.Johns Ambulance that was helping students with Health Problems and creating awareness among students. I have chosen to do health records and technology because its within my ability and I have affinity with information technology because I did the course in high school. My ambition is also getting well educated so that I can secure a good Job later and help my family and others in need"
"I am Abigael being the second born in a family of 3. I was born in Moi’s Bridge and raised here too. I am currently 21 years of age as I fill this form. In my family we lost our Dad in 2015 and since then my mother is struggling to raise us and cater for all family needs and fees. She has no official work but assists here and there to earn some money. My Dad was not working at the time of his death so we were financial unstable already."
I am looking forward to pursuing a course in Health records and Technology. Since I was young I was always passionate working in hospitals because its part of giving back to the community. Being a health record technician gives me the chance to make the hospital more accessible for the community as making appointments and continuity is still a problem in our hospitals. Record keeping is of major importance for the medical officers too, so it will also improve the health care in Kenya.
I enrolled in First Aid Club and st.Johns Ambulance that was helping students with Health Problems and creating awareness among students. I have chosen to do health records and technology because its within my ability and I have affinity with information technology because I did the course in high school. My ambition is also getting well educated so that I can secure a good Job later and help my family and others in need"
September 2020
Vanaf maart zijn er gevallen van corona in Kenia en vanaf 15 maart heeft de regering besloten de scholen en opleidingen te sluiten. Abigael’s instelling wacht nog tot de regering de volgende update geeft maar voorlopig blijven alle studenten thuis en worden er geen online lessen aangeboden. Zij is wel gestart de eerste week en heeft haar huurkamer betrokken en moest daarna weer naar huis. Dit betekent dat de huur wel doorloopt.
Vanaf maart zijn er gevallen van corona in Kenia en vanaf 15 maart heeft de regering besloten de scholen en opleidingen te sluiten. Abigael’s instelling wacht nog tot de regering de volgende update geeft maar voorlopig blijven alle studenten thuis en worden er geen online lessen aangeboden. Zij is wel gestart de eerste week en heeft haar huurkamer betrokken en moest daarna weer naar huis. Dit betekent dat de huur wel doorloopt.
Januari 2021
Abigael’s opleiding heeft de studenten weer welkom geheten op 18 januari 2021. Abigael is weer goed herstart met haar eerste jaar.
Abigael’s opleiding heeft de studenten weer welkom geheten op 18 januari 2021. Abigael is weer goed herstart met haar eerste jaar.
Juli 2021
Message from Abigael 26 july 2021
To Talent Foundation
"I'm a first year student at Medical school located in Machakos Kenya. The journey has been amazing so far and everything is running smoothly. We're in the second semester and learning is going on physically despite the pandemic.
We have been doing continuous assessment tests and learning at the same time. We're trying to cover up the most time that was lost last year and I'm glad that we're catching up well. We have been doing so many activities both in class and at the field it's a great experience.
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support that you are giving me it means a lot as I continue with my professional journey. My learning is easy and this is because of all the support that the talent foundation is giving me. It's a great work.
God Bless you all."
Message from Abigael 26 july 2021
To Talent Foundation
"I'm a first year student at Medical school located in Machakos Kenya. The journey has been amazing so far and everything is running smoothly. We're in the second semester and learning is going on physically despite the pandemic.
We have been doing continuous assessment tests and learning at the same time. We're trying to cover up the most time that was lost last year and I'm glad that we're catching up well. We have been doing so many activities both in class and at the field it's a great experience.
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the support that you are giving me it means a lot as I continue with my professional journey. My learning is easy and this is because of all the support that the talent foundation is giving me. It's a great work.
God Bless you all."

Januari 2022
Abigael heeft stage gelopen de afgelopen maanden in het Kitale District Hospital. Studenten die health records opleiding volgen moeten overal inzetbaar zijn, zoals in ziekenhuizen of andere gezondheids instelling. Zo heeft zij op het secretariaat van verschillende afdelingen van het ziekenhuis gewerkt. Het was voor haar erg leerzaam om de theorie in de praktijk te kunnen toepassen.
Abigael heeft stage gelopen de afgelopen maanden in het Kitale District Hospital. Studenten die health records opleiding volgen moeten overal inzetbaar zijn, zoals in ziekenhuizen of andere gezondheids instelling. Zo heeft zij op het secretariaat van verschillende afdelingen van het ziekenhuis gewerkt. Het was voor haar erg leerzaam om de theorie in de praktijk te kunnen toepassen.
Augustus 2022
Abigael is klaar met haar opleiding en zij is ook geslaagd. In augustus kreeg zij te horen dat ze geslaagd was voor het eindexamen dat afgelegd werd in juni 2022 en zij was er erg blij mee. Nu kan zich oriënteren op werk. Op 1 december 2022 is de officiële diploma-uitreiking op het Manza college in Kitui.
Abigael schreef na de uitslag:
Hallo to you all I would like to inform you that i am done with my training and i have passed well. We thank God for this far and I wanna thank you for the opportunity you gave me. I really appreciate all the efforts done by various persons to make this possible for me. I wish you all Gods blessings from the bottom of my heart.
Yours sincerely
Abigael is klaar met haar opleiding en zij is ook geslaagd. In augustus kreeg zij te horen dat ze geslaagd was voor het eindexamen dat afgelegd werd in juni 2022 en zij was er erg blij mee. Nu kan zich oriënteren op werk. Op 1 december 2022 is de officiële diploma-uitreiking op het Manza college in Kitui.
Abigael schreef na de uitslag:
Hallo to you all I would like to inform you that i am done with my training and i have passed well. We thank God for this far and I wanna thank you for the opportunity you gave me. I really appreciate all the efforts done by various persons to make this possible for me. I wish you all Gods blessings from the bottom of my heart.
Yours sincerely
Maart 2023
Abigael kreeg een sponsorship om een jaar verder te studeren en heeft gekozen voor HBO Health Records and Technology.