Prisca (K-66)
Talent en ambitie: Clinical Officer worden!
Geboortejaar: 2003
Ondersteuning: 3700 euro.
Voor: Kosten opleiding aan Kendu Adventist School of Medical sciences
Periode: 2023-2026
Status: Gestopt in januari 2025
Financiering: particuliere donaties.
Uit de aanvraag (augustus 2023):
" I am the third born in a family of 5 sibling. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. My parents fled some years ago from their parental land because of ethnical fighting’s and killings. Now we live in a land where we have no rights to stay permanently and can’t develop ourselves. My dad can’t go back to his parental land because the place is unsafe. My parents have no work and my dad works on casual basis at people’s farms and recently as a day or night watchman in school.
We have always had financial challenges. I finished high school courtesy of a family in Nuenen, who paid my secondary school fee of ksh 60.000 yearly for 4 years. If it weren’t for them I had stopped school due to lack of fees. I had big debt arears and they cleared it for me and started paying yearly till I completed. This family is willing to pay me this amount but it’s a fraction of what is needed in a nursing or a medical training.
I would really appreciate if Talent foundation can top up the remaining tuition and accommodation fee needed for my training."
I would like to pursue a medical training. I have managed to get a clinical officers and surgery training in Kendu Bay Adventist school of medicine after I applied in a few private institutions. I have also applied for government places but due to corruption I did not succeed to secure a place despite my high marks.
I have a passion to assist others, I can learn easily, and I am social and friendly. If I get full support I will join college and work hard to graduate as a qualified clinical officer. I would love to earn a living and assist my family by doing this wonderful work of treating, assisting and caring for patients as a doctor.
November 2023
Prisca is gestart met haar opleiding. Ze woont intern met alle studenten en het eten wordt voor hen verzorgd zodat studenten alle tijd hebben om te studeren. Het is een strenge prive instelling met hoge normen en waarden en hoge verwachtingen van hun leerlingen. Prisca moest even wennen dat studenten toestemming moeten vragen als ze buiten de poort willen gaan. Maar langzaam went ze eraan omdat het voor iedereen geldt. Zij is gedreven bezig met haar studie die goed afwisselend is qua praktijk en theorie.

Prisca bij de opleiding

Januari 2025
Helaas hebben we moeten besluiten de ondersteuning van Prisca voortijdig te stoppen. Door een verandering in haar persoonlijke omstandigheden bleek zij haar studie niet met voldoende aandacht en resultaat te kunnen vervolgen. Helaas is daarbij ook gebleken dat ze niet in staat was om hierover tijdig met de commissie te communiceren om een andere oplossing mogelijk te maken.