Talent en ambitie: Kleermaker worden!
Geboortejaar: 2003
Ondersteuning: 2300 euro.
Voor: Volgen 2-jarige opleiding “Tailoring & Designing” aan de Trade Fair Tailoring School in Blantyre.
Periode: 2022-2023.
Status: Opleiding succesvol afgerond.
Legaat Taube-fonds en donatie van de Stichting Fair Trade Eindhoven/Wereldwinkel.
Uit de aanvraag (november 2021):
Ulemu comes from a family of 5 children, she happens to be the 2nd in their family. The father is a builder but not a professional one as such the jobs he gets are really not so strong to support the family and more especially to earn as much as possible to pay for school on higher education. He is the sole bread winner in the family. As a family really their situation is so hard so that the father as sole bread earner always has a hard time to manage them all and let alone to put some food on the table. On last final secondary education examination(MSCE) she made through with 26 points and did well especially in technical subjects which is pushing her to get to the choice of career of learning Tailoring and Designing, have also had a will of forming a team of learners and produce the best quality designers in her community. She has been looking for possibilities of how she can be useful to her community and she knows now that time is at hand for me to acquire the necessary skills through training in Tailoring and Designing.
Ulemu comes from a family of 5 children, she happens to be the 2nd in their family. The father is a builder but not a professional one as such the jobs he gets are really not so strong to support the family and more especially to earn as much as possible to pay for school on higher education. He is the sole bread winner in the family. As a family really their situation is so hard so that the father as sole bread earner always has a hard time to manage them all and let alone to put some food on the table. On last final secondary education examination(MSCE) she made through with 26 points and did well especially in technical subjects which is pushing her to get to the choice of career of learning Tailoring and Designing, have also had a will of forming a team of learners and produce the best quality designers in her community. She has been looking for possibilities of how she can be useful to her community and she knows now that time is at hand for me to acquire the necessary skills through training in Tailoring and Designing.
"My ambition really is to become a top and well trained and trainer in Tailoring and Designing so that i would be able to sustain in life and train other youngsters in my community who are just idle and do nothing. I want also to help my country to solve the problem of young girls who gets impregnated because of poverty and idleness by teaching them the skills I will get through my study. Teen age pregnancies is a very big problem in my country hence the hatched ambition.
My special talents really lies on my ability to score good grades in my secondary school final exams in technical subjects, to be precise I would say that in school we were also doing practical part of the studies which I always did well and am very confident that I can manage to do well as well if am given a chance and help in changing my fellow girls lives. "
"My ambition really is to become a top and well trained and trainer in Tailoring and Designing so that i would be able to sustain in life and train other youngsters in my community who are just idle and do nothing. I want also to help my country to solve the problem of young girls who gets impregnated because of poverty and idleness by teaching them the skills I will get through my study. Teen age pregnancies is a very big problem in my country hence the hatched ambition.
My special talents really lies on my ability to score good grades in my secondary school final exams in technical subjects, to be precise I would say that in school we were also doing practical part of the studies which I always did well and am very confident that I can manage to do well as well if am given a chance and help in changing my fellow girls lives. "
Mei 2022:
"My school life is going on well as planned and by the end of this year I will be a full tailor and so far we are almost done with learning how to sew dresses, blouses, skirts and many more items. There is a chance that upon finishing if at all I finish well as a follow up to the philosophy of TF I might open up a small shop which will also be a good place to train my fellow youngsters in sewing while am also doing my business. But despite the going getting good there are also some setbacks as a school such as lack of improved linen so that we can learn faster advanced designs which require special materials. we are told that this is due to lack of forex so suppliers are failing to provide those but with time those problems will be over, I look forward to finish and be useful to myself and my community."
"My school life is going on well as planned and by the end of this year I will be a full tailor and so far we are almost done with learning how to sew dresses, blouses, skirts and many more items. There is a chance that upon finishing if at all I finish well as a follow up to the philosophy of TF I might open up a small shop which will also be a good place to train my fellow youngsters in sewing while am also doing my business. But despite the going getting good there are also some setbacks as a school such as lack of improved linen so that we can learn faster advanced designs which require special materials. we are told that this is due to lack of forex so suppliers are failing to provide those but with time those problems will be over, I look forward to finish and be useful to myself and my community."

November 2022:
We can humbly say she is the best talent we have here. She is almost done with her study but her work can even tell the magnitude of skills she has. Extremely good! We would opt if she could have a chance for an extra support for materials so that she can open up something of her own. Though out of the initial plan it would nice if there could be a special consideration on that. Ulemu writes:
"My school life is going on well as planned and by the end of this year I will be a full tailor and so far we are almost done with learning how to sew dresses, blouses, skirts and many more items. There is a chance that upon finishing if at all I finish well as a follow up to the philosophy of TF I might open up a small shop which will also be a good place to train my fellow youngsters in sewing while am also doing my business. But despite the going getting good there are also some setbacks as a school such as lack of improved linen so that we can learn faster advanced designs which require special materials. we are told that this is due to lack of forex so suppliers are failing to provide those but with time those problems will be over, I look forward to finish and be useful to myself and my community."
We can humbly say she is the best talent we have here. She is almost done with her study but her work can even tell the magnitude of skills she has. Extremely good! We would opt if she could have a chance for an extra support for materials so that she can open up something of her own. Though out of the initial plan it would nice if there could be a special consideration on that. Ulemu writes:
"My school life is going on well as planned and by the end of this year I will be a full tailor and so far we are almost done with learning how to sew dresses, blouses, skirts and many more items. There is a chance that upon finishing if at all I finish well as a follow up to the philosophy of TF I might open up a small shop which will also be a good place to train my fellow youngsters in sewing while am also doing my business. But despite the going getting good there are also some setbacks as a school such as lack of improved linen so that we can learn faster advanced designs which require special materials. we are told that this is due to lack of forex so suppliers are failing to provide those but with time those problems will be over, I look forward to finish and be useful to myself and my community."
December 2022:
Ulemu heeft op 2 december tijdens een Graduation Ceremony in de St Paul universiteit van Blantyre, in aanwezigheid van commissieleden Saulos en Veronica, haar certificaat "Designing and Tailoring" gekregen als bewijs dat ze de opleiding succesvol heeft afgerond.
Ulemu heeft op 2 december tijdens een Graduation Ceremony in de St Paul universiteit van Blantyre, in aanwezigheid van commissieleden Saulos en Veronica, haar certificaat "Designing and Tailoring" gekregen als bewijs dat ze de opleiding succesvol heeft afgerond.

Maart 2024:
Ulemu is now working in a tailoring shop in Chirimba another township as well in Blantyre, but also operates from home where she teaches fellow youths about 5 of them tailoring as way of giving back to the community.
Ulemu is now working in a tailoring shop in Chirimba another township as well in Blantyre, but also operates from home where she teaches fellow youths about 5 of them tailoring as way of giving back to the community.